Basic Registration is Required to See This.
Basic Registration is both a woo commerce Product (of mine), and also a woo commerce Membership (of mine, that I created).
When you ‘buy’ the Product, you ‘get’ the Membership.
The Membership is what ‘restricts’ content with rules.
The way I have it setup is with a custom ‘taxonomy’ called ‘access’. Each piece of content in the site is assigned to an ‘access category’.
‘Memberships’ then restricts content based on what ‘access category’ any piece of content is ‘in’.
I did it this way because it’s a much more universal the entire backend of the site. Each plugin tries to do its own sort of ‘access & permissions’ and this sorta overrides all of that, and lets me do it one way for pretty much everything on the front end.
I can even make an individual ‘lesson’ or ‘topic’ inside of a course specifically available to specific levels of membership. This method is very flexible.
This post for example is in the ‘basic registration’ in the access taxonomy that I created. Taxonomy, for all intents and purposes here is essentially ‘category’. By being in that category, this piece of content requires a user to be both logged in, and have the ‘Basic Registration’ Membership. That membership is obtained by ‘purchasing’ the Basic Registration product.
In this case, that product is free, as in costs $0.00 to purchase, so no payment method is required.
I’ve found this is a very flexible, functional, and reliable way to manage access & permissions inside of WordPress.